5 Ways to Start Loving Yourself Better Today
Sometimes, self-care feels selfish, especially if we’re used to neglecting ourselves. But taking care of ourselves is not selfish. It’s being a good steward of the body, brain, and time God has entrusted to us. Self-care is non-negotiable. If you want to serve God fully.
Just as we must love ourselves emotionally to be able to love others, so we must care for ourselves practically to have the strength to serve others. How can you love others if you don’t love yourself enough to even take care of your most basic needs?
You can’t pour anything from an empty pitcher. Make a commitment to nurture and nourish yourself.
Five Ways to Start Loving Yourself Better Today
5 Ways to Start Loving Yourself Better Today
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Self-care is important on five different fronts. We must proactively strengthen our spirit, mind, will, emotions, and body. These are the battlegrounds where our enemy attacks us. We must resist attack by keeping these parts of ourselves strong, healthy, and vibrant. Neglecting ourselves in any area leaves us vulnerable.
Spend daily personal time with God any way you can for however long you can. Include prayer and Bible reading or study.
Worship isn’t just for Sunday! Turn up your favorite praise music and sing with joyful noise about the goodness and greatness of God.
Plug into a church community with wholehearted worship, Biblical teaching, and meaningful fellowship. Make regular and consistent church attendance a habit.
Meditate on God’s word often. How can you apply what you learn to your own life?
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You can’t pour anything from an empty pitcher. Make a commitment to nurture and nourish yourself.
Allow God to transform the way you think. Don’t conform to the world’s mold of thought patterns. Renew and refresh your thinking with spiritual truths. Cultivate a Biblical worldview based on God’s truth, not your culture’s opinion.
Trust God’s plan. Embrace His peace.
Continually learn, grow, discover, and engage.
Your brain is like a muscle. Disuse leads to atrophy. Use it or lose it! Learn new things. Figure out puzzles. Play chess.
Read books and listen to audiobooks. Chew on new ideas and filter them through your Biblical worldview.
Make a habit of thinking victorious thoughts. If you think like you’re defeated, you will be. If you think tough, you’ll be tough.
Ignite your passion.
Inspire your motivation. Invest your skills, talents, and gifts so you can live out your purpose. (Don’t bury your talents!)
Avoid burnout through self-care and rest.
Combat discouragement from lack of recognition or appreciation by knowing the value God places on the work you do.
Commit and do it. Don’t keep making the same decisions over and over. Decide once and for all, and go for it.
Be persistent. Setbacks, obstacles, and failures are part of the game. Don’t let them stop you from experiencing the purpose and the pleasure of God.
5 Ways to Start Loving Yourself Better
Count your blessings, not your burdens.
Pause to enjoy the simple moments and joys of life deliberately.
Maintain healthy and meaningful friendships in addition to your family.
If you’re a stay-at-home mom or dad, be deliberate about creating opportunities for conversation with other adults.
Make date night with your spouse a priority (A DIY date at home after the kids go to bed counts too!)
Nurture hobbies and engage in activities you do just for the fun of it.
Hold on to hope and don’t let go no matter how dark it gets.
Fuel your body with the nourishment in needs.
Get enough sleep. Make it a priority over your to-do list.
Drink plenty of water. Proper hydration is a simple way to solve a lot of physical problems.
Exercise. Find a way that you enjoy moving and do it frequently. It doesn’t have to be long or difficult. A daily walk is a great way to move your body and enjoy God’s creation.
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These topics are discussed in-depth and in much greater detail in Book 2 of the Stand Strong Series, UNDAUNTED: Your Battle Plan for Victorious Living. In UNDAUNTED, I will guide you through a practical battle plan you can use every day in each of these five critical areas to empower you to live victoriously through Christ’s strength.
Did you identify your own strengths and potential problem areas? We all struggle in different ways, but we all struggle somewhere. Pick ONE THING you want to work on and commit to it. When that becomes second nature, pick a new goal!
Will You pray this prayer with me?
Lord, reveal my weaknesses to me and help me strengthen them. I'm tired of hiding behind excuses. I want to experience a life filled with your power.
In Jesus' name, Amen
What makes it difficult to care for yourself?
What are your tips for nurturing yourself?
Share your ideas in the comments below.