What Are You Worth?

How do you calculate your value?

Is it how much money you have in the bank or how many pounds you’ve lost on the scale? Is your worth based on your degrees, awards, and achievements? Or maybe it’s how much you’ve served others in need? Can we measure your value by how much you’ve sacrificed for the sake of others?

I recently saw a cute pair of shoes for $600! $600!!!! I’m not willing to pay that much for something I wear on my feet. For that much money, those shoes better do my laundry and cook dinner for me! But apparently, some people are willing to pay that price or nobody would be selling them.

We determine the value of something by how much someone is willing to pay for it.

Your Worth as God's Beloved Treasure

Bought and Paid For

The same God who is powerful enough to create with His words and wise enough to know everything you’ve ever done or will do is also loving enough to buy you back from the places you’ve wandered with the most expensive commodity in existence . . . His own blood.

Jesus bought us with the most valuable treasure that exists–the blood of God. The Immortal one experienced death for us!

He didn’t get us on sale. It cost Him all He had. He may have found us in the bargain bin, but He insisted on paying full price for us because we are worth it to Him.

He purchased us; He owns us. And He has torn up the receipt for our souls.

He will never return us. He won’t change His mind or decide that we aren’t worth that price after all.

We are a treasure to our Maker, the beloved of our Heavenly Father.

So now what?

How will we live differently when we embrace our identity as a treasure of God?

You are a priceless crystal vase! Don’t keep on living like you are nothing but a plastic teacup. That doesn’t honor the One who bought you.

He wants you that bad because He loves you so much. He just wants to be close to you and He’s willing to pay the price Himself.

God gave up the glory that was rightfully His to come down here and humbly rescue us because we couldn’t save ourselves. Let’s be real . . . if any of us could fix our own problems or satisfy our deepest needs, we would have done it already.

God knew how it would all turn out and what it would cost Him before He ever created you. And He made you anyway. Why? Because He decided YOU ARE WORTH IT!

So it doesn’t matter what others think or what self-condemning hate you whisper to yourself in the dark. It doesn’t change the truth. You are of infinite value. Never listen to anyone or anything that tells you otherwise, even if it’s yourself.

You are worth it because you are beloved.

You are God’s Beloved. Knowing that truth makes all the difference.

How much you are worth


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