book titled "Undefeated: From Trial to Triumph"

Undefeated: From Trial to Triumph

How to Stop Fighting the Wrong Battles and Start Living Victoriously

Interacting with a Big God in a messy world can often leave us scratching our heads in confusion. How can we explain the horror of human suffering in light of an all-powerful and perfectly loving God? Whether it’s tragedies we hear about in the news, struggles our friends and family face, or our own private pain, life this side of Eternity can really beat up our faith and cause us to question and doubt what we believe. A shaky faith fuels our feelings of defeat as we get trampled by life’s trials.

Overcoming defeat and getting on the road to triumph requires that we recognize the nature of the true battle we are in and learn how to claim the victory we were meant to possess. We can live victoriously when we learn how to stop fighting the wrong battles with ineffective strategies. When we know the plans of our enemy, the power of our God, and our own true identity, we can live UNDEFEATED even in the midst of our trials.

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  • “Elizabeth Meyers speaks from her personal experience of walking the battlefield following the loss a child. If you are walking the path of loss now, read UNDEFEATED.”

    Susan B. Mead
    Award-Winning Author of Dance with Jesus: From Grief to Grace

    woman with purple shirt and short greying hair, happy
  • “Within these pages, you will find raw transparency and incredible inspiration. Elizabeth has taken the time to so bravely and honestly share her life and heart here and I can promise you that you will be greatly blessed and encouraged by her words.”

    Tai East
    Creator and Writer of “A Spirit-Kissed Soul”

    woman with brown hair and sun hat, smiling
  • “If life has dealt you a hard blow and you’re wondering where God is in the midst of your trials this book will help you get on the trail to triumph.”

    Kary Oberbrunner
    Author of Elixir Project and Day Job to Dream Job

    man with white collar shirt, smiling
book titled "Undaunted in Darkness"

Undaunted in Darkness: Finding Your Path From Broken to Bold

Your Daily Battle Plan for a Winning Life

We often find ourselves defeated because we don’t understand how our spirit, soul, and body are interdependent and all require continual strengthening.

UNDAUNTED will teach you specific, practical steps to take in five key parts of your personhood (spirit, mind, will, heart, and body) to give you the confidence and courage to start building a stronger, more victorious life today and walk in the victory God intends for you.

Now you can build a winning life by having a plan to strengthen your spirit, soul, and body. Learn how to overcome anxiety and defeat depression daily so you can live victoriously even in the midst of fear, uncertainty, and painful experiences.

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  • “This book is life changing and an excellent resource for those, like me, who’ve experienced tremendous loss.”

    Victoria Chapin
    Speaker and Author of Story Matters

    woman with brown hair and jean jacket, smiling
  • “If you find yourself in the pits of despair, while also questioning whether as a Christian you should even admit to feeling depressed, this book is for you! Elizabeth dispels the myths surrounding depression and replaces them with truths to give us hope to hold onto."

    Kim Stewart
    Podcast Host and Speaker

    woman wearing purple cardigan, leaning against stone wall, smiling
  • “This book shares the inevitability of struggle and falling along side encouragement to persevere. This comprehensive guide is a MUST read as the author breaks down the five fronts of fortitude... May God be glorified.”

    Ala Ladd
    Life Balance and Wellness Coach

    woman with blonde hair and purple shirt, smiling
book titled "Unshakable"

Unshakable: Stand Strong Even When Your World Gets Rocked

Building a Biblical Foundation for an Unshakable Faith in an Unbeatable God

It’s easy to struggle in life because of flimsy ungrounded faith, unclaimed promises, and wishy-washy purposes. Learn how to fortify your faith so you can stand strong even when life gets messy.

UNSHAKABLE will help you learn to live with passion and purpose in spite of your pain through a better understanding of God’s power, plans, promises, and presence in your life. This book will explain the Biblical perspectives on which an unshakable faith is grounded.

Knowing God’s purposes in His kingdom, both visible and unseen, will enable you to weather any storm because you’ll be standing on the solid Rock of Jesus’ victory.

Coming Soon - Stay Tuned!