How to Resist Evil and Love People at the Same Time

We have an enemy.

People entrapped in the devil’s deceptions are like POWs (prisoners of war) captured by the enemy. We fight, not against them but for them, because we have all fallen prey to those pretty lies at one time or another. God calls us to resist the devil—not each other.

The people in our lives, no matter how challenging they may be at times, are on our side. They may be wounded or captured by the enemy forces. The enemy may have indoctrinated them with his sweet-sounding lies, but we must never give them up for lost.

God calls us to rescue and free, to bind up and heal—not to batter the wounded or snub the POWs. Rather than allowing the defeated ones to pull us down, let us lift them up and show them where true victory lives.

We are neighbors.

God calls us to love our neighbors and resist our enemy. We must do both.

All people are our neighbors, never our enemies. It is against the schemes of Satan that we must fight. And fight hard!

We must always love the people harassed by these relentless enemies,

no matter how broken or beat up we find them. Jesus calls us to be the Good Samaritan who offers healing and hope instead of just passing by or avoiding uncomfortable encounters.

Love always protects and defends. A mother’s love for her child is both tender toward the child and fierce toward anything that threatens her child. True love is not for the wimpy or faint of heart.


We must love as Jesus loves.

Jesus-love means we step out and stand up, saying, “Not on my watch!” to the evil forces that threaten to engulf us.

Jesus-love means we reach out to the lonely, forgotten, ignored, outcast, defeated, and broken.

Jesus-love means we are absolutely a kind and generous neighbor to every person that crosses our path.

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God calls us to love our neighbors and resist our enemy. We must do both without neglecting the other.

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Jesus replied, “’You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments."

Matthew 22:37-40


We are warriors.

But we never cozy up with bigotry, judgment, or injustice—these are not meant to be our neighbors. These attitudes and their associates must be kicked to the curb and never welcomed in our midst.

Embrace all people like a good neighbor. Resist all evil like a mighty warrior. Live boldly, love extravagantly, and fight courageously. Just be sure you’re fighting the right battle and not attacking the ones you are called to defend.

Can you think of anyone within your range who may have felt the sting of “friendly fire” from your misguided “missiles”? Re-identify your target. It’s not your neighbor, or your spouse, or your boss. Re-engage in the right fight with your true enemies and the sin that crouches at the door to your heart ready to snatch you (Genesis 4:7).

Will you pray this prayer with me?

Lord, help me to be a good neighbor to everyone, not only people like me. And help me to be a good warrior, resisting evil in all it's forms while being careful not to commit friendly fire against my fellow humans.

In Jesus name, Amen.

How can we be better neighbors to ALL people and still refuse to cooperate with evil?

Share your ideas in the comments below.

Warriors and Neighbors

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