God's Infallible Wisdom

How often we find ourselves in a troublesome situation where we aren't sure what to do. The only winning strategy is to humble ourselves and trust God's wisdom which is far greater than ours. His knowledge is flawless, unfathomable, and infallible.

Our God is unbeatable (omnipotent) and always with us (omnipresent), but that's not all! He also has complete knowledge and a perfect understanding of every person, situation, and struggle we encounter (omniscient).

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."

Isaiah 30:21

His Wise Counsel

As you depend upon God, you are divinely guided. He leads you because He has great plans for you. "A voice behind you" describes direction from a presence you can't perceive but One who has His eye on you. This is the Holy Spirit, whispering to our spirit from invisible places.

Whether you go to the right or the left, however you decide, God will still guide. You may stray too far in one direction or the other at times, for there are extremes on either side of the true path that must be avoided if we are to stay out of the ditches. Trust God to guide you.

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Will you continue to listen? Job 33:14 says, "God speaks time and again but a person may not notice it." Pay attention and take heed. God will often point out the landmines and potential pitfalls, and steer you around them if you are receptive to such guidance.

If your life is filled with the chaotic noise of this world and you do not intentionally create quiet spaces to listen, you will miss His still, small voice and wonder why He seems so silent. He is not silent. Could it be that you are not listening very well? (I’m guilty there too!)

His Complete Knowledge

Your commands make me wiser than my enemies, for they are my constant guide.

Psalm 119:98

God's thoughts are not like our thoughts. His ways are far above our own. He has complete knowledge that we are simply incapable of possessing or acquiring on our own. 

His ways and thoughts are also far superior to our enemy's as well. Listening to His intel on the situation gives us the upper hand in every battle.

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Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21

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His Perfect Understanding

God is a flawless chess master. Any opponent who sits opposite God at the table is certain to get his tail whooped. Imagine the current world chess champion playing a blindfolded two-year-old with both hands tied behind her back. That two-year-old has a greater chance of victory than any opponent of God.

His wisdom and understanding are pure perfection, and He is impossible to outsmart. Satan is cunning and crafty, but his schemes are no match for God's power and wisdom. God will emerge victorious every time because He alone understands the nature and course of every battle.

There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the LORD.

Proverbs 21:30

What are your best tips for trusting God's wisdom? How has His guidance helped you?

Share your ideas and stories in the comments below.

God's Infallible Wisdom

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God's Pervasive Presence


God's Unbeatable Power