You were created for victory!
It's time to start living like it.
This easy-to-consume but powerful video course and ebook will equip you to overcome adversity and live victoriously.
Have you experienced times when your world gets rocked and days when your faith falters? You feel like you’re drowning, struggling against an opponent that is bigger and stronger than you.
Where is God now? Why isn’t the White Knight riding in to save the day like you thought he would? Didn’t he promise to be your strength and never leave you? So why do you feel so weak and alone?
The harsh realities of life clash with God’s rosy promises. This stirs up questions that nag the corners of your mind wearing you down. Doubts swirl through your understanding, slowly eroding the foundations of your faith.
You wonder why you even keep trying. You strive to overcome one challenge, only to be swallowed by another, like relentless waves knocking you down again before you can regain a firm footing. Is it even worth it? You think that maybe you just weren’t meant to win.
There is a bold victory ready and waiting with your name on it. But you have to get up and claim it.

Move from Undone to Undefeated
You were meant to live a defeated life. You were created to walk in victory! You just need to learn how.
“Elizabeth is the real deal, she loves the Lord Jesus and it shows in how she relates to the struggles of real life. She uses word pictures that help you to see what faith looks in practical ways!”
— Kim D.
Equip Yourself with the Tools Necessary to Live Undefeated
Get the Overcoming Adversity Video Course and Workbook for just $47 to learn about:
Humanity’s common struggle that leads to places of defeat
How to wrestle through questions and doubts with a God who is larger than our uncertainty
How and why to believe God anyway, even when He doesn’t make sense
The nature of the battle we must fight for our faith
Exposing the real enemy, uncovering his motives and tactics so he can be resisted
Why it's smart to surrender to the unbeatable power and unending love of God
Your true identity as both a beloved treasure and a victorious warrior in God’s sight
You were created for victory!
Learn how to overcome adversity
without losing your faith.
“[This was] an incredible time of healing from past hurts and trials as well as training and preparation (guidance) for hitting future and current tribulations head on.”
— A.J.K.
Hey - I'm Elizabeth!
And I know what it's like to feel defeated at every turn.
Following the death of my son in the second trimester and a variety of other trials, I struggled with depression and anxiety for five long years.
As my faith slowly unraveled, I became completely undone. Where was God in the midst of my suffering? Why couldn't I feel his presence when I needed him most?
Slowly, gently, God showed me a better way. I began to heal emotionally, mentally, physically, and most importantly, spiritually. The death of a loved one is not something that can ever be "fixed", but through prayer, Biblical teaching, professional counseling, and many other tools, I have been able to move through my greatest trial to a place of triumph. I want that for you too.
My life still has plenty of ups and downs. I get battered and bruised sometimes just like anyone else, but now I've learned what it means to walk in victory even when my world gets rocked. I know beyond all doubt exactly where God is when we suffer. He is with us. Let me show you why I'm certain of his presence even in the middle of your mess.
“I love that you gave resources to help us apply what God showed us (me). I love how detailed the material is.”
— Laurie G.
Frequently Asked Questions
You will get access to over 20 videos which explain in an engaging and informative way exactly what you need to do to claim the victorious life you were created for.
Also included is an exclusive workbook to help you personally apply each lesson.
As a course member, you as get access to our exclusive Stand Stronger Together community in our private Facebook group. You can ask questions, share what you've learned with others, and get personal access to me through the group posts, comments, and bonus videos. -
How to find a firm footing for your faith when your world gets rocked.
What questions you should be asking God instead of "Why?"
Who your real enemy is and how to fight back
Many of the ways that God is on your side even when you are in the midst of a trial
The mindset you need to move through your trial to a place of triumph
Your true identity in Christ
Your one-time purchase today gives you immediate, lifetime access to all current course materials and any future updates.
This program is entirely self-paced. You can easily devour the content in a weekend as a personal retreat experience. You could also digest the material in smaller chunks once a week or on a daily schedule. It's up to you!
Since you have lifetime access, you can also repeat the videos and accompanying exercises as many times as you want. -
I want you to be thoroughly satisfied with your purchase. I have a 30 day money-back guarantee.
“So good! I really really needed this. There was SO MUCH that I took away from this.”
— Sandie H.
Ready to Get Started?
Snag the Created for Victory: Overcoming Adversity Course for just $47. Simply click the button below to get started today!